About Me


Headshot of Jen in a black tshirt with a plain white background

Hello, my name is Jen Heiner. I was born and raised in Utah. Growing up, I was lucky enough to work alongside my father in his art studio where I learned design through photography and Photoshop. I love the outdoors: rock climbing, snowboarding, sky diving, scuba diving, mountain biking, dirt biking, and hiking.

I earned my bachelor’s degree in psychology in 2014 and began working for a research tech company, Qualtrics. Loving tech and research but missing the aspects of psychology and design, I researched various fields and came across UX design. I quickly realized it was exactly what I was made to do and began night school. I joined Divvy as their second UX/UI Designer in May 2018, helping us get acquired for $2.6 billion just 3 years later.

My mission is to use my design skills to solve important problems that significantly impact human, animal, and/or environmental well-being.


Design process



